Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hello 1980's...Again?!

I think it's hilarious how fashion, among other things, has a tendency to visit us in cycles. Take for instance this outfit: she's cute, no doubt, but the bow is the same type I wore in Kindergarten, the blue jean skirt is identical to one I had in the 4th grade and loved VERY much, the leggings, let's not even go there, and the jellies shoes are priceless! The only thing missing is a blue jean jacket with glued-on jewels that spell her name that has other pictures drawn on with magic markers by your's truly. So take a good look ladies and gentlemen. One day, Mila's daughters will be looking at this picture thinking "Hey, my Mom had an outfit just like me when she was born a million years ago." Ah, life's funny :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I'm A Year Old!

Happy Birthday, Beautiful Baby Girl :)